Someone sign Tesla Boy before Mother Russia takes them back

6 Jun

When I first heard “Spirit of the Night” I assumed that it was some lost 80’s classic that played to the montage of an 80’s movie (A La Maniac). Turns out its an unsigned Russian Trio.

There is something really fitting about a Russian band playing that hot fangled new 80’s music. I imagine that Tesla Boy learned to play 80’s music secretly listening to American radio in their Soviet Block housing. They would all gather together after a long day at the factory making something with hammers.

Comrad Stalin Loves You

Comrad Stalin Loves You

After they would get home, they would dream of making 80’s music and secretly smuggled synths and drum machines over the Berlin wall.  The three members are named Anton, Dima and Boris, what you don’t know though is the fourth member was caught smuggling fluorescent clothing and sent to Siberia. I like to pretend these are official music videos that they made on a really old Commodore

They need someone to sign them before they all get sent to the Gulag!

That or they could be gaudy oil baron heir hipsters that like 80’s music. Either way

4 Responses to “Someone sign Tesla Boy before Mother Russia takes them back”

  1. Lord B June 6, 2009 at 11:03 PM #

    Great artist to kick off the new, sleeker look of the blog

  2. Dima July 16, 2009 at 12:55 AM #

    This is the best piece i’ve eve read. Really))


  1. YDP hits the Century Mark! « Yuppie Dance Party - September 4, 2009

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